Web Lessons

It was the middle of a chilly evening and I had armed myself with a box of bulbs.  I grabbed the 6' ladder from the shed and brought it to the front of the house. I then maneuvered through the foliage and finally found a place that was secure enough to open and place the ladder. With each step I instantly felt 6 inches taller than previously and even wondered what it would be like to be over 6' 6" tall. "I was on top of the .........w" By the time I got to the 4th ring the most horrible thing happened .... without any notice my face encountered the unforgettable...., yep... you guessed it, a "spider web". OMG..... The horror!!!!

This harmless practically invisible thread caused me to instantly leap of the ladder, drop the bulbs and frantically rub my face while shaking my head vigorously 15 degrees each way for the next 45 seconds , trying to rid myself of both the feeling and the web itself. Even days later I still feel the tinglies and the memory alone causes me to shudder.

For many of us it doesn't take a huge obstacle to get us off-track, to get us away from our direction of moving forward or upward. I have found that is often the little things that we fail to notice or to take heed to that can cause the most damage and delays. So how would I handle this "bulb changing" task differently
#1 I won't try to change bulbs at night
#2 I will keep my eyes focused on where I am going and out of the "fantasy" arena
#3 I won't just look out for the big things that may trip me up but I will pay just as close attention to the little things
#4 I will ask my kids to climb the ladder first (j/k , however I would use something, even a broom to clear the way first)

Hmm, I wonder what life lesson you can garner from my web experience



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The Busy Signal