"The Arrow" Vs "The Bridge"

An [Arrow Sign] and a [Bridge] get in to a heated conversation about who is most important

The [Arrow Sign] boasts about how he is always giving directions, about how he is multilingual and understood and utilized by billions of people across the global community.  He says “without me, people will never know where to go.”

The [Bridge] replies and says.  “Yes it is true that you are a recognized symbol providing great advice, and that there are so many more of you than they are of me, however I think what makes me most different is that instead of pointing people where to go, I provide them with the structure to get there.

Friends, the world already has enough [Arrow Signs] in the form of pundits, preachers and people w/ opinions.  What we really need today…. are more bridges.

*Be A Bridge, Not Just an Arrow*


It is Lonely At the Top
