Reset My Awe

It was a thanksgiving weekend that my family and I decided to spend a few days in NYC.  I recall the moment where we getting in to the elevator of the Sheraton Times Square, that one of our kids asked, what floor are we going to?  I casually responded with “43” and they casually pressed the # as we started our 400 feet climb.  I remember looking over at the kids and I noticed something which then struck me as odd.  We were heading not to the first, second or even 10th floor but to [floor 43] and there wasn’t even a hint of “marvel” on their faces.   I started to use that oh so familiar prefix that usually every parents use…. “When I was your age…… “ :)

I wondered why there wasn’t any sense of “Awe” in their reality and after dismissing the notion that we must be spoiling them, in my head I answered my own question.  The reason why there was “no Awe” is because the concept of a 40+ height building was normal to them.  Their ongoing exposure to this “common-for-them” reality numbed their appreciation, whereas other non-city kids would have had their eyes wide-open with amazement.

If you took a moment to read Psalm 8 you would find that the writings transparently convey the thoughts of a person who obviously “amazed” by God.  Awed by His majesty,  Awed by His love, Awed by His Creativity…..

So here is a little bit of truth…. I believe we so often miss the majestic things in life because we have considered them “normal” or “regular".  It has become so normal to see sunsets that we don’t marvel at them anymore.  It is normal to wake up next to someone who loves you so we may not appreciate that blessing.  It seems normal for God to fill hearts, homes and churches that His presence is taken for granted.   I believe we need God to ReSet our [AWE]

[Say This Prayer]
Oh Lord, oh Lord, how majestic is your very name.  How incredible your grace is towards me.  I realize that at times I take so many things in life for granted.  Because of your eternal faithfulness to me I sometimes fail to realize the magnificence of your splendor, the expanse of your creativity and the generosity of your love.  Dear Lord, I ask that you ReSet my AWE.  Help me to truly appreciate the little miracles, the small blessings and not just marvel at the ones that are accompanied by fireworks.  Let me marvel at your goodness and celebrate your name… AMEN


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"the DNA Test concludes that he is Not The Father, but...."