Don't get comfortable with Brokenness

Back in my "hightop" days I used to keep a comb/pick in my back pocket. Throughout the day I was constantly "picking" my hair and inadvertently due to lack of care, i ended up breaking one then later two of the combs teeth.

What is crazy was that instead of marching right away into CVS and shelling out the $1.49 to get a replacement I convinced myself "well it still kinda works" and essentially became comfortable with its deficiency. It took me weeks to wake-up but once I did i couldn't settle for a broken pick any longer.

In our lives, inadvertently we are going to experience failure, brokenness, mediocity and "well... It still kinda works" scenarios.

Don't ever allow yourself to get comfortable... with carrying "brokenness" in your back-pocket


She Said YES!!


Free your [mind]... and your [purpose] will follow