Some time ago my kids and I had decided to do a jigsaw puzzle. Now growing up as a kid, puzzles in my household was something we always loved and did as a family. We used to get these 1000+ piece puzzles and over the course of days/sometimes weeks we would keep coming back and one piece at a time we would turn chaos into a masterpiece.
So the kids and I take out all the pieces, flip them over and I'm coaching them to start with working on the edges. Before we got too far, the youngest comes over and decides to wreak havoc on our project. Understandably so, we all are now a tad bit frustrated but we decide to start to reassemble the puzzle again. "Some things wrong" ...there appear to be some key pieces missing. We forge ahead, knowingly trying to fit pieces that we already know won't work, in gaps that we know won't really fit. For a little while we move on to working on other parts but after a while we simply give up and stop. You see we allowed the mishap, discouragement and the "it doesn't look right right-now" to stop us from finishing.
Isn't our life just like this? We start out with such promise and with much glee yet LIFE happens. We encounter moments where suddenly without notice things just fall apart and we have to start over. We arrive at other moments where what we expect just isnt, and there is this noticeable feeling that something is missing and no matter how else we try to fill it, we know its just not quite right.
Think on these few things.
#1 Some people are in your life for the very purpose of frustrating you. Yet these moments should teach you something about yourself
#2 Don't forget to look at the box, it will remind you of the intended finished product which is soooo worth the journey
#3 The mistake that we make is thinking that WE have to complete our own puzzles. The missing pieces are already in the hands of God, and if you let Him, he will complete YOU.
#4 It is perhaps chaotic now, but I dare you to complain to any world-renown masterpiece and he/she will tell you this... "that is how i started too"