Charlottesville: What do we tell our children?

As early as 15 years of age I recall being given the opportunity to learn... through the activity of teaching children.  It was at Flatlands Church of God (now Purpose Life Church) that week after week I creatively shared bible stories to elementary-school-age children.  I was eager to see their responses, excited to feel their energy and looked forward to hearing their observations.  What I sought wasn't emotion-less memorized robotic responses, but what I was truly seeking for was what I call the R.E.T (Right-Eye-Twinkle).

If you prefer, you are more than welcome to use L.E.T instead, but regardless of which eye…. I believe that we all have seen and sought “The Twinkle” response.  This visual indication is more commonly seen in young children and while observing this sparkle, without even the need for a verbal response, we can recognize their arrival at a place of; self-awareness, wisdom, hopefulness, discovery, inquisition, empathy and trust.   

As we reflect on the horrific events of this weekend and the hateful “ingredients” that has been simmering in the pot of today’s society, I invite you to join me on the search for “The Twinkle” here as well.

Charlottesville: What happened?

I was somewhat detached from social & network media on Saturday so was unaware of the sequence of events until much later than most.  Once made aware I went on the hurtful but necessary process of "discovery" .  I leveraged a variety of sources but below are my top three:

CNN: to get facts/history
FACEBOOK: to get the emotions
GOD: to get the response

On Saturday, August 12th a racist group of white nationalists gathered for a rally and celebration of their bigoted beliefs.  In response to this permitted gathering, a group of protestors took to the streets to stand up for the fundamental rights of all humanity.  These two passionate groups collided on numerous occasions throughout the day and in the afternoon, a man, driven by hate and triggered by hateful rhetoric, intentionally drove his car in to a group of protestors looking to cause harm and death.  Unfortunately he succeeded in both these fronts before he was arrested.

Since then, our nation has looked to its leaders to make an authentic and vigilant stance against “hate” and those groups who cultivate it.  The nation now finds itself on the verge of imploding as it continues to see; justice not served, wrongful activity being made permissible, hate being normalized and not enough modeling by leadership

Charlottesville: What do we tell our children?

Firstly, we tell them the truth.  That we are in the middle of a crisis, but even in the midst of this crisis there is still HOPE (Romans 12:12).

We tell them that while as a nation we support the right of freedom of speech and the right to freely assemble.. that hatred, prejudice and bigotry in any form should not be tolerated. (Acts 10:34-35)

We tell them that they are LOVED and that we UNDERSTAND & SHARE in their bewilderment.  Remember that children are a heritage (Psalm 127:3-5)

We tell them that they are called to LOVE, to FORGIVE and to WORK together. (John 13:34-35)

We tell them that as it is written in John 3:16 that “For God so Loved the world that He gave His only Son ……” that the world really does mean all of humanity regardless of ethnicity and societal position)

We tell them that we should NOT be like those who discriminate as “judgest with evil thoughts” (James 2:4) but instead we are to love our neighbors as ourselves (James 2:8)

We tell them to forgive, to not fear (Psalm 118:6) and to remain faithful (Hebrews 3:14)

We tell them that it will likely happen again (2 Timothy 3:1)

We tell them that the world is still a beautiful place that does not have to be tarnished by the ugliness of a few

We tell them that in times like this we need to appropriately move from a place of pain to a place of process.  To purposely reorient the focus of their thoughts. Paul says, "Finally, brethren, whatever things are true, whatever things are noble, whatever things are just, whatever things are pure, whatever things are lovely, whatever things are of good report, if there is any virtue and if there is anything praiseworthy--meditate on these things" (Philippians 4:8). Take it one step further. The more we meditate on the things of God, as Paul says, the more we will know God and His ways. You'll know that He is indeed working these things for good in our lives. You will know that "the Lord God is a sun and shield; the Lord will give grace and glory; and that no good thing will He withhold from those who walk uprightly" (Psalms 84:11).

Now What

I hope today that you will find a mirror.
That once you find that mirror that you will face it, close your eyes, inhale deeply and challenge yourself with a simple prayer.

Father, let me see the world as you see it.  A world that you were willing to send your son to die for.  I receive your love as a gift and refuse to allow wickedness and hate to have any place in my heart.  I humbly take my place as a son/daughter who raises the banner of HOPE to a world that would otherwise be LOST. Amen

.. that once you say Amen, that you will open your eyes, look in to the mirror and find staring back at you....... is "A Twinkle"


Day 13 of 29 | ReSET my Thoughts


Day 8 of 29 | Reset my sense of Awe