Day 15 of 29 | ReSet my Integrity-Level
If asked the question "Are you a man/woman of integrity?" could you respond with an immediate honest and confident [YES]?
Or would you find yourself somewhat hesitant as your mind finds itself in a tug-of-war, battling over whether or not that little lie or miniscule indiscretion negates the "mostly" honest persona of who you feel you are.
Remember this.... "Integrity" is often referred to as doing what is "right" even when No one is looking.
I would assert that your integrity-level is defined not when all eyes are on you, but actually when no eyes are on you.
A fundamental problem in our society is a real lack of [integrity]. This behavior is what we are modeling for every future generation that comes after us. We cheat on our taxes, our college financial aid forms, our timesheets, our assignments. Our heroes and leaders, along with being known as "charismatic", can usually find themselves being characterized by other adjectives as we frequently hear of them; doping, bribing, lying, scandaling, sexting, cheating and so many more unintegrious "...ings". We make choices in hidden areas .... feeding our hidden addictions...., all while presenting a public pretense of "integrity"
Today's reading is from Psalm 15 and it opens with the following question
[Lord..... Which one of us may be able to be in your presence?]
The seemingly rhetorical question is then answered in vs 2 as David writes:
WALK with Integrity
DO what is right
SPEAK with Honesty
Friends, I believe we all need our INTEGRITY-LEVEL to be ReSet. We all need to operate with a greater sense of ethics, a higher moral compass and a desire to be honest and sincere even in our times of solitude. It is not for us to beat ourselves up for not being where we need to be, however let us not unilaterally lower our standards just to make it comfortable for us to be sub-Gods-standard.
[Today’s Prayer]
Dear Father, you are indeed a Holy and Righteous God and I long to be in your presence. Help me overcome any addiction & hidden proclivities that damage my identity and purpose and keeps me away from experiencing your true presence. Remove those often instinctive reflexes; to hide, to pretend, to lie or to cheat. Fill me with a greater portion of virtue, a greater insight of your truth. ReSET my moral compass, raise my sense of ethics and let "honesty" be the first instinct rather than a secondary one. Lastly, surround me with people who lovingly correct me and whom also challenge me.. to be better than I have been, to walk as I should walk... to DO right even amidst the ease to do 'wrong".... and to SPEAK what is truth even when a lie may seem beneficial. Re-SET my; sense, level and pursuit of Integrity, in Jesus Name AMEN