The Busy Signal
So I'm chatting on the phone strategizing with this dude called Present and suddenly I get a call from a Past buddy of mine. I switched over... and after a slight period of awkward silence we started chatting and reminiscing about "back in the days".
A couple of minutes in, I was like oh gosh, I still got Present on the other line and thought to myself how cool would it be if we all connected together. So I switched it to a three-way conference call.
Now we were all on the phone for hours and finally the Past buddy of mine said "I gotta run, but let's talk tomorrow" I said "cool" and he hung up. Present was still on the line and was telling me how much fun he had laughing about all the goof-ups and mistakes mentioned by Past. As we were about to say goodbye Present asked me this question... "whatever happened with your other friend that was supposed to call?.....what's his name again.... was it [Future]?....... I let out a puff right before i kissed my teeth and responded ...
"That's funny he never even called... that's messed up..."
When you constantly introduce your PRESENT to your PAST your FUTURE will always get a busy signal