
So this week I decided to pen some thoughts on paper (or in this case: type some words on a computer). Yet even as I stare at the screen I find myself not even knowing what to say; despite my mind being so full. Because my heart is heavy and even though my mouth opens.. no words come out. Alas


Why do I keep saying this?

Why do we keep hearing this?

Why do we need to keep saying this?

Because we have to....

I acknowledge and am honored to lead a faith-community that is multi-ethnic, multi-cultural and multi-generational yet I can not ignore that for generations past and present, we as a society have been taught that we (people of color) don't matter. If we are going to change the narrative (outcome & treatment), we must first change perception

Because Jesus said it....

Scripture captures numerous illustrations and messages that Jesus himself expresses about "the least" or the "hurting" or "the most vulnerable". The manner in how we treat the least of those in our society, is how we treat the very Lord himself.


Why did the murder of George Floyd cause so much national unrest?

Because we were already at the tipping point

  1. we were already experiencing devastating and inequitable human losses in the Black and Brown communities due to COVID-19

  2. we were already tense from being cooped up and certainly was drugged up from media-overload

  3. we saw it... the world saw it.. and saw it.... and saw it again.. This wasn't an historical news event this was a present day televised murder

  4. we are tired and not OK

The Tipping Point

A number of years ago when our kids were younger our family took a trip to Sesame Place. One of the favorite rides for our kids and many other park-goers is Count's Splash Castle. At the center of this splash and slide park is a 1,000-gallon 8-ft. tipping bucket. There are water channels, that were designed as part of the architecture, that gradually fill the bucket in which it eventually tips over showering the gleeful park guests with a tremendous overflow.

Whether it is because of; noticeable financial inequities, lesser access to key services, the documented disparity in how ethnic communities are treated, injustices against our men/women/families or the many other streams of prejudice and inequalities that has flowed in to the bucket of our existence.... it has filled us to this tipping point. Instead of being showered with the refreshing flow of water, the streets are showered with the stinging pellets of anger and pain.

We have to deal with the outpouring of pain, but we also have to deal with the systemic structure of the bucket


We love you
We believe in the greatness that is within you
We will get through this!!!
We will together, create and hand down a brighter legacy!!
God is still with us


...slow down


Cliques are over-rated....