Don't leave the Waiting Area

It was around this time in 2015 that myself and our team was heading back home from a missions trip. During our already lengthy layover I remember getting a call from the airline informing us that our connecting flight was delayed due to weather conditions.

Apparently this call went out to the other passengers that were scattered throughout the terminal yet by the obvious sighs, moans and teeth-kissing one could easily pinpoint the passengers who had received the same news. They were even some passengers that allowed themselves to get so frustrated that they prematurely ended the call while now muttering profanity as they then got up and left.

I have come to accept: that Delays happen, but a delay does not mean a denial. There will be unexpected things in life that may delay our arrival to; finding that dream spouse, getting that dream job, waiting for that critical answer or getting to where we had already hoped to be... . The human response is certainly "disappointment", just be sure to put a timer on that feeling. (NeverLetThemSeeYouSulk)

We should consider that God "allows" delays not to punish us but oftentimes to keep us safe, to keep us praying and to prepare us for our final stop.

As I replayed the auto-attendants recording in my head, I recall something else that she said. The recording provided some really critical advice. She said that "even though the expected flight time has been delayed please make sure to be at the gate for the originally scheduled time as conditions may change"


A delay does not give us the clearance to now leave the waiting area, to make new arrangements or to now go sightseeing. None of us can predict when an initial delay can get fast-tracked to an earlier departure/arrival.

Here are some Travel tips when you experience unexpected LIFE delays

  • A delay is not a denial

  • Don't let frustration become your compass

  • Never let them see you sulk

  • There are some critical instructions to follow during the waiting-period

  • Don't leave the waiting area

By the Grace of God I eventually did get to where I wanted (even faster than I thought)...yet it was in His timing and not in mine.


Closer than you think
