Don't Crack the Door
In practically every horror movie I can recall watching there is always a scene that is a similar to this.......... The faint chimes of a church, just a little over a mile away, has just finished it’s 10 note serenade on this warm and serene Friday night. It is a quiet suburban block, and 17 year old Mary happens to be home alone. You see her parents finally took a much-needed weekend away and had left just a few hours ago. On the table they left a simple but charming note
“Hey Sweetie,
Dad and I have gone to Lake Arthur for the weekend.
There is food in the fridge and some money in the jar.
Love ya….
BTW… In case you are wondering “No Visitors”
The note is still on the table and Mary is curled up on the living room couch, somewhat watching television while gabbing with her best friend Gina. The conversation is filled with giggles and outbursts of "No she didn't" as they are talking about what teenage girls normally talk about; boys, makeup and school. Suddenly the doorbell rings. Mary’s eyebrows instantly raises with an apparent look of apprehension, while her mind is wondering who in the world could that be. After a brief two seconds of silence, you hear the playful voice of Gina say, “hmm,….. is that Robbbiiiiieee?". Mary, somewhat hopeful that it was, responds sheepishly and says, "No way, you know I can't have company over"
With the phone still pressed to her ear she gets up from the chair, clad in just socks, boy shorts and a tee, and walks over to the front door, ignoring the gnawing pulsating feeling inside. As she is almost at the 7ft wooden oak door, Mary pauses ….one can literally hear her heart beat pounding inside of her chest. She clears her throat and feebly yells "Who is it?". NO Response. At this time Gina's heightened voice over the phone says "maybe you should just ignore it". Mary whispers back "I'm just going to see who it is" and places her left palm on the door and moves her face towards the peephole.
Now Those of us in the movie theater, watching this on the "Big screen" and having the advantage of multiple camera angles accompanied with dramatic background music, have already begun to throw up our hands in disgust and hurl out labels such as: “you are such an idiot" or "stupid girl” … Those who are bit more hopeful and engaged as if this is actually happening in real-time will share ignored-advice such as "be careful" or "Don't open that door". Alas all these comments go unnoticed.
Her left eye, now glued to the peephole looks out and after doing an in-depth periscope-like scan whispers out loud. “I don’t see anyone”. Seemingly drawn however, her right hand reaches to the latch and begins to turn it counter-clockwise.
By this time the captive audience is at the edge of their seats,
knowing what’s coming but helpless to change the result.
Mary’s breathing is pulsating, the click of the lock seems to shatter the previous silence in the home and she cracks the door open just enough to peer out. Not seeing any one she pokes her head out the door and after doing a panoramic scan comes to the conclusion that it was either a prank or something wrong with the bell. She turns to walk in and out of nowhere……… ……….. she feels something brush against her legs. Startled she drops the phone and let's out a piercing shriek. You can hear the muffled sound of Gina, now hysterical, screaming "Mary, what happened? what happened?" The camera angle slowly pans down and you hear a gentle purr from the family cat, Giggles. Mary bends down, grabs her phone and while picking him up takes a deep breath (along with the viewing audience) softly reprimanding him. “Giggles, you almost gave me an heart attack. Don’t do that again”. Gently cuddling him she takes a step towards the door. The camera zooms in on the Cat’s eyes and there appears to be a silhouette of a dark shadowy figure. Mary has this weird feeling and quickly spins around where she is greeted by the sharp darkness of ........ a quiet block. She breathes yet another sigh of relief and finally steps inside, then gently presses her palm against the edge of door behind her. Inches away from hearing the “thud” of what would feel like safety, the door let's out a different thud and moments later is flung back with such force that Mary is thrown back, knocking her head on the wall before slumping to the ground…… . With her eyes fading she catches a final out-of-focus glimpse of the muddy size 12 boots of her assailant and mumbles to herself. “I should have never cracked that door"
We put ourselves at risk to be overtaken and overwhelmed when we ignore instructions and the voice of “felt" danger just to allow our curiosity to crack the doorway of our hearts our minds and of our souls.
It take's much more effort to close that which you have opened compared to securing that which is already shut
In movies the characters don’t have the advantage of multiple-camera shots or background mood music. In life however, these advantages are provided as we become more sensitive to our conscience and aligned with God’s guiding Spirit.
Just because someone or something rings or knocks at your life's door doesn't mean you actually have to let them in. In fact there are often times you need to add a deadbolt to prevent dead-weight or deadly gaining entrance to your present or your future.
Curiosity doesn't just kill cats, it can kill purpose too.
I encourage you to think about any areas in your life that you may be overly curious and/or opening up yourself for danger. Ask God to help you overcome these areas and give you insight to see the danger... even before it, him or her knocks.