Life is like a pan of cookies

So recently I found myself reflecting about a recent weekend where my oldest daughter happened to be in the mood for baking.  She, like most of our family, has a sweet tooth so chocolate chip cookies on a Saturday afternoon seemed like the perfect choice.

She grabs a premixed cookie container from the fridge and starts the process of rolling the dough.  She gets progressively better at making these almost perfect balls and places them in a cookie tray. With the help of her Nana she was able to follow the appropriate steps for what we would expect would be "perfect" cookies:
- The oven is preheated and set to the right temperature
- The cookies are spaced somewhat evenly apart and placed in the oven
- The fragrance was wafting through the home as we all were waiting in anticipation
- It was checked often so once the edges become slightly brown the cookies are removed

As they cooled something odd stood out about this batch. The tops seemed fine, but the bottom of the cookies were literally burnt to a crisp to the point where the entire batch had to be tossed.   The perfect/burnt mixed was somewhat baffling as we wondered how could we have this contradictory duality. Think about, they went through the right process but we ended up with the wrong result.

After exploring and asking a key question it was realized that the cookies were placed on the wrong rack. Instead of being in the middle they were placed close to the bottom.

Isn't that how life is sometimes:
You go through a situation that has heat-like characteristics
You even give off the right fragrance, yet when you come out of it, the result is still somewhat disappointing.

Food for Thought:
Right Process, Wrong Position, Poor Result

Let's consider your life.  Certainly you already have and will continue to deal with adversity but what is your position during these times?
Do you sulk, regress or despair to the bottom of the oven ...OR do you have the resolve to remain stable, positioned properly in the middle of the Heat until your edges are brown.

My Prayer for You Today

May God grant you the courage and the right attitude to be perfectly positioned and stable, in spite of the _______ (<- you fill in the blank)

Now let's go and make some perfect cookies

#iwillnotbeburned #bringontheheat #rightpositionrightresult


Keep Calm & Take a Nap


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