Keep Calm & Take a Nap
There was a moment recently that I reflected back to the days when I used to work for a prestigious international law firm in NYC. I was a Network Administrator who worked evenings and would you believe that every night, for almost 2 years I was chauffeured home in a black town car. Yes, I was spoiled and loving it.
I can recall the first few nights of this door-2-door service, I wouldn't really say much on that 45 minute drive home. I was usually exhausted but forced myself to be alert, making sure that the driver knew their way and drove in a "sane" way. Now after I was familiar with the various drivers it changed. I used to chat-them-up and many times just sunk back in to the soft leather, closed my eyes and got a good 30 minutes+ of peaceful rest. There were a couple of times where the weather was downright horrendous. The wind was howling as snow covered the streets and pelted the car window. The journey home was not only treacherous but took even longer and I can recall the rhythmic motion of the windshield wipers which created the melody of a childhood lullaby. Do you know what I did during those times?
[I slept just the same as always].
You must understand that.....
Familiarity creates [Trust]....
[Trust] creates a sense of calm amidst crisis
It makes me think about this amazing story told in Mark 4:35-41. In these verses we read about where Jesus and His disciples are in a boat where suddenly a storm begins to rage. Thunder rolls, lightning flashes, the waves roar and the ship is tossed back and forth all while Jesus is soundly asleep at the back of the boat. The disciples, gripped with fear, vigorously awaken Jesus and asks Him the following question "Don't You Care That We are about to Die?". Ouch, what a question to ask their Teacher.
Now the disciples were familiar with Jesus, they trusted Him to teach and lead them, yet when things got difficult they essentially told GOD ... "Don't You Care About What I'm Going Through"
Take a moment to ask yourself these following questions:
- Do I spend regular time with God?
- Has that Familiarity manifested itself as Trust?
- Has that Trust been Tested?
- Do I Trust God enough to sleep amidst the Storm?
Now Jesus' responded and spoke to and calmed the storm. He then rebuked the disciples and said "O ye of little faith".
God has provided his Holy Spirit to help us Keep Calm during our moments of; crisis, awkwardness and anxiety. When we don't sit back and nap, it demonstrates either our lack of familiarity or lack of Trust.
God won't just sit back idly and let you die. He has got your situation, He has got your storm well under His control:
<Say this Prayer>
Dear God,
Help me to know You, and your will for my life.
Help me to trust You, amidst storms and strife
I want to be able, to rest in your arms
Even when life around me is opposite than calm