Balancing Your "Relational" Checkbook

I had a conversation with a friend recently who is going through the healing process of a relationship-breakup. I thought it may be helpful to share the end-part of the conversation.

ME: If you had a special gift of $1000 to give to a nephew or niece who was only 8 years old, would you give it to them all at once or see how they first handle just a portion of it?

FRIEND: I would give it to them in a bank account and teach them how to balance a checkbook

ME: Hmmm, interesting. Perhaps you can now see things this way.God has your true partner in a bank account for you. Your past relationship(s) is GOD teaching you how to balance your relational checkbook. These lessons learned will enable you to better treasure and care for the TRUE gift that HE already has for you.

yesterday's disappointment

is today's lesson

for tomorrow's victory


On Hold, then dropped


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