Fuel for Your Journey

There is a journey that I am on

I had early expectations that everyone would remain on this journey that God has placed my family and I on..... and it used to bother me when those who said; “they got my back” or “I’m coming through” or who promised to “always be there”…. didn’t come through, didn’t have our back... didn't stick around.

When taking a road trip a driver will often take special notice of tire pressures and fluid levels, usually stopping by a gas station first to fill-up. By the time they reach their destination, the tires are a bit more worn, a fraction of the brake pads are likely to have gone, and much of the fuel that they started with is no longer there

Do you realize that in your life you are going to have some [Gas-Like] people, [Gas-Like] relationships… who will never stick around as long as you would like?

There are a lot of folks who’s only role that they are supposed to play is to be [fuel] for your journey. Once they have done their job, they disappear in to the atmosphere at a mile marker in your rear-view. Now don’t get too upset when they are gone. They have done their job, they have propelled you to where you are. Even the most toxic relationships; if placed in the fuel-tank and not in your water bottle can be instrumental and helpful.
Now please be polite and say "Thank You Mr./Ms. ______"... and keep your eyes on the road ahead and look out for that road sign that says:
[Gas station Next Exit]

Keep on Trucking!!!

#fuelforyourjourney #NotMadJustThankful


Balancing Your "Relational" Checkbook
