In the span of just 5 minutes I experience 3-Rs

  • Robbed by a Robot
  • Restored by a Stranger
  • Recovered that which I didn't even know I lost

I walk into a CHASE Bank and as usual there is a line for one of the three ATMs, however this time the line was pretty short and moving fairly quickly. in what seems to be a blink of an eye it's my turn and I walk up to the machine. I slip my card in, punch in the super-secure pin and press the oh-so-popular-but-unused-button called [Deposit]. After selecting CASH as the deposit method, I waited a few moments and the slot opened. I had already counted out four twenty dollar bills from my wallet and had them neatly grasped in my right hand. I gently fed the robot which hummed with glee, but it was what happened next that was extremely startling. The slot closes and as I am waiting for it to give me a confirmation, the screen goes blank and a message pops up that says this ATM is out-of-service. I waited, then waited, hmmmm. I check my balance from my mobile device and notice that it wasn't there. With a lot of shock on my face I realize. .. I WAS JUST ROBBED!!!

Waiting any longer seemed hopeless so I went inside the branch and calmly explained my dilemma to a pleasant customer service rep. She asked some details, including my ID, and about 3 minutes in to our dialogue a middle-aged stranger walks in with (4) $20 bills in his hand and asks "Sir, is this yours?" .  I am somewhat in shock and speechless at this moment as I am trying to figure out: how, why, who.... " He offers me the cash and I find myself just saying thanks, over and over again. I turn back to the banking agent and we both give each other the raised eyebrow look while silently mouthing the word "wow". I'm relieved at this moment yet just as I am about to head to the teller a thought came to me and I turn back around. "Excuse me Jessica, would you mind checking my account and waiving a fee that I was assessed recently because of a transfer I forgot to make?" She asked for my ID again and hey eyes scanned over the monitor. Even before she opened her mouth her face already gave away the response of "I'm sorry, because....we are unable to....,not allowed....don't have the ability..." I thought to myself "at least i tried" and was willing to accept the injustice justice called [Bank Fees], yet out of no where a colleague comes alongside and asks her "what does he need". She softly shares some information and then the wink comes. Now this wink I know, this isn't the wink of "I'm into you" when someone wants to get your digits, Not at all!! This is the same wink that I have gotten on many an occasion. On the days that I am faced with personal failure, crisis disappointment and/or distress... and as I lift my heavy eyes to the skies, the heavens just reply with a wink. A wink that means: "it is ok" or "you are forgiven". A wink that means "I GOT YOU..."

As this banker peers at his screen, he highlights a line, clicks the mouse and types in some mysterious password. Then he does it again.... and again. "Mr. Williams, I want to let you know I took care of what you asked for, In fact I looked back even further and noticed a fee from last year, ...i took care of that too.

At this point my mouth is open, apparently "shock" seems to be a recurring theme this morning.

God just Wow'd me!!!!!

Ponder this....

You will be confronted with a world system that will TAKE and ROB from you... but just know this my friend....God can restore not just what you lost, not just what was stolen, but even that which you neither deserve, remember or asked for.

WINK..... [Click, click, click, click, click.] There He goes again, he just checked your account and typed in some characters: [G] [R] [A] [C] [E]

#HWChronicles #YesThisHappened


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