Check the Exp Date

Feeling famished, Josh goes to the cupboard to see what he can whip up. He grabs an item which apparently has been there for a while and was about to perform culinary magic but thought to himself, "let me check the Exp date".... It read as follows [Please use before April 2014].

Now Josh is kinda like me. We have pretty strong stomachs, so that is one reason why he likely paused. Yet his initial hesitance was more than just a display of his intrinsic daring-character, it was his reflective nature that took the steering wheel. He thought about how long he waited in line at the grocery store and how he got it at such a great price. He thought about the checkout girl he flirted with at the register, who is now his girlfriend and the $20 he found as he got in to his car. There are so many pleasant memories that seem to surround this item so how could he just toss it....discard it. So Sentimental Josh went ahead and trusted his memories. He opened the packaging and prepared a meal that enthralled his nostrils and excited the palette. He even went ahead and said grace asking God to bless what he had prepared. After gobbling down every morsel and reclining in his chair there was a look of contentment across his face.... Yet this moment was short-lived as suddenly he had a twisting feeling inside his belly that became so painful that he had to be rushed to the emergency room. The medical staff eventually had to pump his stomach and do an emergency surgery.... Obviously for Josh this created a whole "new" memory.
Is it possible that you too are asking God to bless; a situation, memory, relationship or a misplaced-dream...that He has already stamped as [Expired] 

#food4thought or even more apropos #food4trash




Give me that Full-Price Love