DAY 1 of 29 | ReSET My Associations

Today is the beginning of what we call THE ReSET Experience.
Essentially a month where as individuals and leaders we are intentional about taking this time to initiate a ReSET in our lives. Where we; pause from extraneous activity, rest from busyyness, revive our hearts, clear our mental cache and reconnect with purpose, family, ourselves & with God.

Today's reading is from Psalm 1 and we are provided with substantive wisdom which cautions us about the "associations" that we keep.

Today's Prayer:
God today please reset my associations.
Surround me with people that; enrich my life, lovingly critique my shortcomings, offers Godly Wisdom, keeps me humble and fans my purpose. Amen



Day 2 of 29 | Reset my Dependency on God


Are you following the First Command?