Day 2 of 29 | Reset my Dependency on God
If you are like me then when it comes to planning your future or next step you like to have a plan, agenda or outline that gives clear instructions on what and how one will achieve the desired outcome. Now, if OUR plans fail or if we don’t reach our end goal; surprise and frustration can easily take control.
We may even ask [How did our plans fall apart when we followed the directions?].
We may find ourselves questioning God when our plans fail, instead of asking Him for His plans in the first place.
Psalm 2 describes God’s reaction when we try to control our future. In vs 4 it says that God laughs at the plans of man…. He is amused at our futile attempt to control things and wants our trust in Him to be elevated
Today’s Prayer
God today please reset my Dependency on You….
At times I find myself so driven and/or self absorbed that I fail to consult your wisdom and your will. I am extremely thankful for the mind and the passions that you have given me, yet even in this “gifting” help me to be humble, less-frantic and to seek out your directions and plans for my life.