DAY 3 of 29 | ReSET [My ability to "Sleep"]
Do you find yourself having trouble sleeping because of something that seems overwhelming? Perhaps it is due to some bad news, family issues, distractions or feeling that the world (even your family) is against you. Today we ask God to RESET our ability to "Sleep"]
Today's Reading is from Psalms 3. Where the lyrics of this song captures David's emotions as he shares about some major conflicts and "family" issues in his life. It truly felt like the world had turned against him & likely his sleep was now filled with torment. About a 1/3 off the way through this chapter he interjects a "BUT MY GOD....." then described how God "is a shield" a "Lifter of Heads" and a "watcher while he slept".
Friends....I want you too to be able to sleep
[Today's Prayer]
Heavenly Father, amidst the difficulties and challenges that I often face in Life and even when I find myself worrying, please help me to be able to REST. [Rest] through the storm, [rest] through the unknown and [Rest] even when my enemies or my family is against me. [Rest] because I know I have a watcher.
Today...Dear God... please Re-SET my ability to not only sleep but to experience regular rest. AMEN