Day 4 of 29 | ReSET my response to “the shade"

"I am about to give them a piece of my mind!!!!!".
Have you ever felt like letting some one have it who has been casting some “shade” your way?

Responding in anger is often a response to; feeling overwhelmed, misunderstood, overly irritated or taken advantage of…. This expression is often a means to “take-back control” and to essentially be “heard”. We some times refer to it as a self-defense mechanism but instead it usually just manifests itself as a sel-fish mechanism. Today Ask God to RESET Your response to “the shade"

Today’s reading is from Psalm 4, where David is expressing frustration with those who are throwing him “shade” and attacking his reputation. I would imagine that he was upset and annoyed as he was surrounded by Old Testament “haters”. 
So what does David do? Well, firstly he expresses his frustration by talking first to God. Then we observe in vs 4 that he does this really awesome … counter-intuitive thing… He turns to his angry-self and says :

"David… Don’t SIN by letting anger control you. Sleep on it & remain silent"

Wow. I suspect that some of us could take a verse out of this book and should start talking more to our-self instead of allowing our-self to do all the talking.

[Today's Prayer]
Gracious God, you more than any one know the things that get me agitated and upset. You see how I am surrounded by “haters” and those who envy my blessing. Hear me as I prayer knowing that I am set apart. The ole me, wants to some times give folks a piece-of-my-mind, but help me to instead sleep and find peace and instead give them a piece of my joy. Dear God… ReSet my response to “the Shade”



Day 5 of 29 | God ReSET my sense of Direction


DAY 3 of 29 | ReSET [My ability to "Sleep"]