Day 5 of 29 | God ReSET my sense of Direction
[Direction]... some say say they have it, some say they used to have to it and others say that they have never had it.
Do you truly have a clear sense of direction for your life?
There are three key things you need
1. A clear sense of where you are
2. A clear sense of where you need to go
3. A clear sense of who's leading you
Contrary to public opinion, you don't need the specifics on how you are getting there as long as you have faith in the One who is leading you.
In Psalm ch 5 we find David praying for guidance. There are some decisions to be made, there are some situations to be handled and he like many of us feels a certain level of angst. In vs 8 he petitions God not to just simply fix "them".. but to lead him. In humility he realizes that he can't find the way on his own so he is relying on the Almighty to lead him. He needs his sense of direction to be ReSET.
I have heard that men don't like to ask for directions when they are lost. Trust me I have done that myself at times. I will even become all scientific and start examining the constellations to develop a sensible course of action. But when you are spiritually, emotionally or "purpose-ly" lost, you don't need to look to the constellations or your peers you need to look to God. Look to the Director for directions. My request today: Lead me through and to where Purpose is calling
[Todays Prayer]
Dear Father, I find myself at times disoriented when it comes to purpose, happiness, love or the dreams I have for my life. I feel lost and sometimes stuck in a carousel of emotions and fear. Dear Lord, Reset my Sense of Direction. Lead me to the path that leads to your glory and my joy. Amen