Today’s post is inspired by a reading of 2 Samuel 18-19:10.
In the text King David sends out his army to defend against his own son who is seeking his life and his throne. Amidst the battle, Absalom finds that his army being defeated and now looks to escape. While galloping through the forest, his hair, which was extremely long and something he was extremely prideful of, got tangled in the branches of an oak tree and had him suspended in the air.
Figuratively, Absalom was hanging by his Pride and was unable or unwilling to get free. The text does not tell us for sure what his options of escape was, but I find myself curious as to why he remained tangled. Those in battle would normally carry a sword and often a dagger so then why didn't he just cut off his hair and get free?
As a result of his pride we see that Absalom not only got himself entangled, but his lack of resourcefulness or refusal to trim his hair got himself killed.
He hung by his locks for his Pride and it got him killed.
In Proverbs 16:18 ESV it reminds us that
Pride goes before destruction and a haughty spirit before a fall.
If any one of us becomes so full of; ourselves, our wants, our looks or our plans then this prideful spirit can place us in situations that are treacherous.
Are we holding on to something that has us spiritually hanging out to die?
Heavenly Father, help us to examine ourselves, and in the areas where Pride has dominion and causes us to look at self rather than look Above.... we ask for your supernatural pride-breaking power to break every chain that seeks to keep us bound. Give us the courage to turn over those things that causes us to get tangled in this world and enable us to lay aside every weight that so easily besets us. Amen.