One Man's Trash.. is another Man's Treasure
Have you ever seen something in the trash-pile that caught your eye and wondered "why in the world would someone toss out something like that?"
The Answer Most Often is this
"Because the person who tossed it, no longer assigns a value to it"
There are some valuable things and people that undoubtedly feel discarded and left by the curbside of their careers, broken relationships or previous friendships.; however the following statement rings true "One mans trash is another mans treasure" and I have seen many a discarded thing/person picked up by gentler hands.
Perhaps that friendship, relationship or job that you have just lost has less to do with what you lack, but is really the handiwork of God; displacing you from a place of familiarity(and used as trash) and transferring you to a place of unfamiliarity(and seen as treasure)
Benedictory Thought
It is better to be valued on the sidewalk, than to be disregarded in the palace