Day 13 of 29 | ReSET my Thoughts
Have you ever experienced a struggle in your mind?
Perhaps you find yourself wondering HOW COME your plans keep failing or
you are not at ease as you ponder WHERE in life do you go next or
Find yourself going back and forth as to WHY did you lose that job/offer or
perhaps like in Davids you are plagued with WHY you lost that battle.
If your mind constantly engaged in these wrestling matches, you may find yourself in a place where doubt, depression and isolation have you pinned to the mat.
Did you know that your thoughts and your thinking has the power to affect your perspective? And just like in the WWF we must realize that so much of it is really not real.
David has what I would consider a very open and honest relationship with God. He found himself wondering if he was forgotten, if God didn’t notice his situation. I believe his situation and the whispering of the enemy created a struggle . He was struggling with a number of things in his mind; including self-worth and feeling forgotten and hinted how he is tired of trying to work things out. He eloquently uses the phrase “How long must I wrestle with thoughts….” Which can be translated as How long must I take counsel in my soul?. David was tired of coming up with his own plans and solutions to his problems. If we choose to continue to wrestle with our thoughts then we will often find ourself in a match that God never intended for us to fight. Be reminded in what Paul writes to the Church of Ephesus in Ephesians 6: “For we wrestle not against flesh and blood…..”
David moves from
1. Expressing feeling of despair to
2. Acknowledging his struggle to.
3. Receiving an answer to
4. Having his faith restored to
5. Worship amidst affliction
Lord Jesus, you know my thoughts, my fears and my doubts. I am tired of the inner-fight, of the battle that rages in my mind. Restore my faith and dependence in you. Let me welcome the gift of your care and love and avoid the doubleteam troublemakers called [fear] and [doubt]. I pray for a complete renewal of my mind. A reset of my thinking and a revival of my praise. Amen
#Reset #plcReSET
Charlottesville: What do we tell our children?
As early as 15 years of age I recall being given the opportunity to learn... through the activity of teaching children. It was at Flatlands Church of God (now Purpose Life Church) that week after week I creatively shared bible stories to elementary-school-age children. I was eager to see their responses, excited to feel their energy and looked forward to hearing their observations. What I sought wasn't emotion-less memorized robotic responses, but what I was truly seeking for was what I call the R.E.T (Right-Eye-Twinkle).
If you prefer, you are more than welcome to use L.E.T instead, but regardless of which eye…. I believe that we all have seen and sought “The Twinkle” response. This visual indication is more commonly seen in young children and while observing this sparkle, without even the need for a verbal response, we can recognize their arrival at a place of; self-awareness, wisdom, hopefulness, discovery, inquisition, empathy and trust.
As we reflect on the horrific events of this weekend and the hateful “ingredients” that has been simmering in the pot of today’s society, I invite you to join me on the search for “The Twinkle” here as well.
Charlottesville: What happened?
I was somewhat detached from social & network media on Saturday so was unaware of the sequence of events until much later than most. Once made aware I went on the hurtful but necessary process of "discovery" . I leveraged a variety of sources but below are my top three:
CNN: to get facts/history
FACEBOOK: to get the emotions
GOD: to get the response
On Saturday, August 12th a racist group of white nationalists gathered for a rally and celebration of their bigoted beliefs. In response to this permitted gathering, a group of protestors took to the streets to stand up for the fundamental rights of all humanity. These two passionate groups collided on numerous occasions throughout the day and in the afternoon, a man, driven by hate and triggered by hateful rhetoric, intentionally drove his car in to a group of protestors looking to cause harm and death. Unfortunately he succeeded in both these fronts before he was arrested.
Since then, our nation has looked to its leaders to make an authentic and vigilant stance against “hate” and those groups who cultivate it. The nation now finds itself on the verge of imploding as it continues to see; justice not served, wrongful activity being made permissible, hate being normalized and not enough modeling by leadership
Charlottesville: What do we tell our children?
Firstly, we tell them the truth. That we are in the middle of a crisis, but even in the midst of this crisis there is still HOPE (Romans 12:12).
We tell them that while as a nation we support the right of freedom of speech and the right to freely assemble.. that hatred, prejudice and bigotry in any form should not be tolerated. (Acts 10:34-35)
We tell them that they are LOVED and that we UNDERSTAND & SHARE in their bewilderment. Remember that children are a heritage (Psalm 127:3-5)
We tell them that they are called to LOVE, to FORGIVE and to WORK together. (John 13:34-35)
We tell them that as it is written in John 3:16 that “For God so Loved the world that He gave His only Son ……” that the world really does mean all of humanity regardless of ethnicity and societal position)
We tell them that we should NOT be like those who discriminate as “judgest with evil thoughts” (James 2:4) but instead we are to love our neighbors as ourselves (James 2:8)
We tell them to forgive, to not fear (Psalm 118:6) and to remain faithful (Hebrews 3:14)
We tell them that it will likely happen again (2 Timothy 3:1)
We tell them that the world is still a beautiful place that does not have to be tarnished by the ugliness of a few
We tell them that in times like this we need to appropriately move from a place of pain to a place of process. To purposely reorient the focus of their thoughts. Paul says, "Finally, brethren, whatever things are true, whatever things are noble, whatever things are just, whatever things are pure, whatever things are lovely, whatever things are of good report, if there is any virtue and if there is anything praiseworthy--meditate on these things" (Philippians 4:8). Take it one step further. The more we meditate on the things of God, as Paul says, the more we will know God and His ways. You'll know that He is indeed working these things for good in our lives. You will know that "the Lord God is a sun and shield; the Lord will give grace and glory; and that no good thing will He withhold from those who walk uprightly" (Psalms 84:11).
Now What
I hope today that you will find a mirror.
That once you find that mirror that you will face it, close your eyes, inhale deeply and challenge yourself with a simple prayer.
Father, let me see the world as you see it. A world that you were willing to send your son to die for. I receive your love as a gift and refuse to allow wickedness and hate to have any place in my heart. I humbly take my place as a son/daughter who raises the banner of HOPE to a world that would otherwise be LOST. Amen
.. that once you say Amen, that you will open your eyes, look in to the mirror and find staring back at you....... is "A Twinkle"
Day 8 of 29 | Reset my sense of Awe
It was just a couple years ago in November that my family and I decided to spend a few days in NYC. I recall the moment as we got on to the elevator of the Sheraton Times Square that one of our kids asked, "what floor are we going to?" I casually responded with “43” and then they casually pressed the #. About midday through our 400" ascent I remember looking over at the kids and noticed something which struck me as odd. Think about it. We were heading not to the first, second or even 10th floor but to [floor 43] and there wasn’t even a hint of “marvel” on their faces. I was about to blurt out that familiar prefix that most of parents use…. “When I was your age…… “
Instead my mind started to wonder. I wondered why there wasn’t any sense of “Awe” and after dismissing the notion that we must be spoiling them, in my head I answered my own question. The reason why there was “no Awe” was because the concept of a 40+ height building was normal to them. Their ongoing exposure to this “common” reality numbed their appreciation for that which likely non-city kids would have had their eyes wide-open with amazement for.
Today's reading is from Psalm 8. The writer is quite transparent in his feelings as you immediately can identify the thoughts of a person who is obviously “amazed” by God. Awed by His majesty, Awed by His love, Awed by His Creativity…..
So here is a little bit of truth for us all…. I believe we so often miss the majestic things in life because we have considered them “normal” or “regular". It has become so normal to see sunsets that we don’t marvel at the sun as it kisses the horizon. It is normal for some to wake up next to someone who unconditionally loves them, that we roll out of bed with a grunt instead of being exhilarated by this reality. It seems normal for God to fill hearts, homes and churches that His presence is taken for granted. Friends, I believe we need God to ReSet our sense of [AWE]
[Today’s Prayer]
Oh Lord, oh Lord, how majestic is your very name. How incredible your grace is towards me. I realize that at times I take so many things in life for granted. Because of your eternal faithfulness to me I sometimes fail to realize the magnificence of your splendor, the expanse of your creativity and the generosity of your love. Dear Lord, I ask that you ReSet my sense of AWE. Help me to truly appreciate the little miracles, the small blessings and not just marvel at the ones that are accompanied by fireworks. Let me marvel at your goodness and celebrate your name… AMEN
#Reset #plcReSET
Day 5 of 29 | God ReSET my sense of Direction
[Direction]... some say say they have it, some say they used to have to it and others say that they have never had it.
Do you truly have a clear sense of direction for your life?
There are three key things you need
1. A clear sense of where you are
2. A clear sense of where you need to go
3. A clear sense of who's leading you
Contrary to public opinion, you don't need the specifics on how you are getting there as long as you have faith in the One who is leading you.
In Psalm ch 5 we find David praying for guidance. There are some decisions to be made, there are some situations to be handled and he like many of us feels a certain level of angst. In vs 8 he petitions God not to just simply fix "them".. but to lead him. In humility he realizes that he can't find the way on his own so he is relying on the Almighty to lead him. He needs his sense of direction to be ReSET.
I have heard that men don't like to ask for directions when they are lost. Trust me I have done that myself at times. I will even become all scientific and start examining the constellations to develop a sensible course of action. But when you are spiritually, emotionally or "purpose-ly" lost, you don't need to look to the constellations or your peers you need to look to God. Look to the Director for directions. My request today: Lead me through and to where Purpose is calling
[Todays Prayer]
Dear Father, I find myself at times disoriented when it comes to purpose, happiness, love or the dreams I have for my life. I feel lost and sometimes stuck in a carousel of emotions and fear. Dear Lord, Reset my Sense of Direction. Lead me to the path that leads to your glory and my joy. Amen
Day 4 of 29 | ReSET my response to “the shade"
"I am about to give them a piece of my mind!!!!!".
Have you ever felt like letting some one have it who has been casting some “shade” your way?
Responding in anger is often a response to; feeling overwhelmed, misunderstood, overly irritated or taken advantage of…. This expression is often a means to “take-back control” and to essentially be “heard”. We some times refer to it as a self-defense mechanism but instead it usually just manifests itself as a sel-fish mechanism. Today Ask God to RESET Your response to “the shade"
Today’s reading is from Psalm 4, where David is expressing frustration with those who are throwing him “shade” and attacking his reputation. I would imagine that he was upset and annoyed as he was surrounded by Old Testament “haters”.
So what does David do? Well, firstly he expresses his frustration by talking first to God. Then we observe in vs 4 that he does this really awesome … counter-intuitive thing… He turns to his angry-self and says :
"David… Don’t SIN by letting anger control you. Sleep on it & remain silent"
Wow. I suspect that some of us could take a verse out of this book and should start talking more to our-self instead of allowing our-self to do all the talking.
[Today's Prayer]
Gracious God, you more than any one know the things that get me agitated and upset. You see how I am surrounded by “haters” and those who envy my blessing. Hear me as I prayer knowing that I am set apart. The ole me, wants to some times give folks a piece-of-my-mind, but help me to instead sleep and find peace and instead give them a piece of my joy. Dear God… ReSet my response to “the Shade”
DAY 3 of 29 | ReSET [My ability to "Sleep"]
Do you find yourself having trouble sleeping because of something that seems overwhelming? Perhaps it is due to some bad news, family issues, distractions or feeling that the world (even your family) is against you. Today we ask God to RESET our ability to "Sleep"]
Today's Reading is from Psalms 3. Where the lyrics of this song captures David's emotions as he shares about some major conflicts and "family" issues in his life. It truly felt like the world had turned against him & likely his sleep was now filled with torment. About a 1/3 off the way through this chapter he interjects a "BUT MY GOD....." then described how God "is a shield" a "Lifter of Heads" and a "watcher while he slept".
Friends....I want you too to be able to sleep
[Today's Prayer]
Heavenly Father, amidst the difficulties and challenges that I often face in Life and even when I find myself worrying, please help me to be able to REST. [Rest] through the storm, [rest] through the unknown and [Rest] even when my enemies or my family is against me. [Rest] because I know I have a watcher.
Today...Dear God... please Re-SET my ability to not only sleep but to experience regular rest. AMEN
Day 2 of 29 | Reset my Dependency on God
If you are like me then when it comes to planning your future or next step you like to have a plan, agenda or outline that gives clear instructions on what and how one will achieve the desired outcome. Now, if OUR plans fail or if we don’t reach our end goal; surprise and frustration can easily take control.
We may even ask [How did our plans fall apart when we followed the directions?].
We may find ourselves questioning God when our plans fail, instead of asking Him for His plans in the first place.
Psalm 2 describes God’s reaction when we try to control our future. In vs 4 it says that God laughs at the plans of man…. He is amused at our futile attempt to control things and wants our trust in Him to be elevated
Today’s Prayer
God today please reset my Dependency on You….
At times I find myself so driven and/or self absorbed that I fail to consult your wisdom and your will. I am extremely thankful for the mind and the passions that you have given me, yet even in this “gifting” help me to be humble, less-frantic and to seek out your directions and plans for my life.
DAY 1 of 29 | ReSET My Associations
Today is the beginning of what we call THE ReSET Experience.
Essentially a month where as individuals and leaders we are intentional about taking this time to initiate a ReSET in our lives. Where we; pause from extraneous activity, rest from busyyness, revive our hearts, clear our mental cache and reconnect with purpose, family, ourselves & with God.
Today's reading is from Psalm 1 and we are provided with substantive wisdom which cautions us about the "associations" that we keep.
Today's Prayer:
God today please reset my associations.
Surround me with people that; enrich my life, lovingly critique my shortcomings, offers Godly Wisdom, keeps me humble and fans my purpose. Amen
Don't confuse access with permission
There is a moment very early on in every infants life where the child becomes completely aware of what he/she wants. They will stretch, scratch, climb and pull in order to attain that what they can see. You Claudia, being a good parent, sibling or caretaker will often move the things that are potentially dangerous or that could break or hurt them our of their reach. Some things you may keep locked. Other things you put on an elevated shelf. As this infant matures and grows we realize that it is futile to keep everything out of their grasp so we now provide instruction on what to touch and what not to touch. In the event that words alone don't create consistent adherence, often times a light slap on the child's hand serves as an accompanying stern reminder.
Now fast forward a number of years and us infants are now a bit older. We now have tremendous access to things and persons, both good and bad. Like Adam and Eve, we are often in a garden filled with God's blessings and provisions yet we still occasionally long for that which we should not grasp. We too find ourselves blaming others for our blunders or selfishness with phrases such as "If you didn't want me to touch it, take it or eat it... then you shouldn't have put it where I could see it.
It's true; your position, your looks, your charisma, your bank acct, your peers, your opportunities, your address, your degrees, your wit... ALL ...may provide you with ACCESS to a variety of things or people that others may not have and you at one time could never reach. However, a wise man knows which doors to unlock and better yet which doors to keep closed. Which fruit to enjoy and which fruit to ignore.
Access is not synonymous with Permission. When in doubt, do without
What are you Chasing?
I was twenty years old, living on my own and was making pretty decent money at the time. I had gotten my license about 6 months before, so obviously when you start to add up these accolades “Heston” was well on his way. I was saved, single, living solo and all I needed now to seal my arrival to this oh so critical level of societal and cultural reverence…. was a Car.
So the hunt began and after a couple of days of searching I ended up finding a three year old burgundy Nissan Stanza. During the purchase process I was introduced to a really amazing and seemingly generous friend. Yet little did I know this friend, who went by the name of “Financing”, would later turn on me and become an enemy.
Now there is nothing intrinsically wrong with buying a car at the youthful age of 20, however I believe that for me if I opted for a more simple purchase option and saved up for a hoopty there would have been a lot of stress that I would have likely avoided. Somehow my mind had manufactured a persona that I was trying to live up to..... and a shadow that I was trying to chase.
Certainly I don’t beat up myself too much for the choices I made, especially when I was young and impressionable. However, even as I have entered the fourth decade of my life the truth is that this shadow still shows up from time to time. Its a shadow that looks like me; but only richer, flashier and even more adored and celebrated. It’s visit always presents me with a decision. Either to chase what is-not-yet or to cherish what already-is.
These days I still will CHASE something. I will more often [chase] purpose and to [cherish] simplicity
#HWMusings #IntroduceLightToYourShadows#WeAllChaseSomething
On Hold, then dropped
Google > Search >Find Number > Dial > Ring .. ring
After about 2 rings a courteous, robotic female thanks me for calling and goes through a series of menus and responses to gather the reason for my call. 4 minutes later and after many unsuccessful attempts at being understood and being asked "are you still there?" I finally was able to get an option for a representative. Upon confirming my selection I hear these dreadful yet so familiar words. "Thank you for calling, your call is important to us, a representative will be with you shortly" Apparently this morning "shortly" is equal to 10 minutes, as that was the time a representatives comes on the line. After explaining why I called she then replies and say's "hold-on, I'll be right back"
while bopping to the "hold" music for about 14.5 minutes I suddenly hear a click as I apparently get disconnected (on their end). I say in my head (using my SheNayNay voice of course) "No she didn't..... , they better call me back..."
...... 30 minutes later still no call back, "sigh, I guess I need to dial them again but before that I need to share a post, so here goes"
There are so many things wrong with this experience especially because it was the phone company that I called
Let's amplify the frustration of wasting time on a phone call and think on this. Have you ever felt like you wasted your time being ON HOLD IN LIFE and then all of a sudden you got dropped?
Years of waiting, giving and loving but you end up with simple dial-tone. Perhaps you are like me with Verizon and sit around waiting for the call back, that never comes.
HERE IS SOME TRUTHs that you can glean
➤There are Some things and some people who are simply NOT worth going through all the buttons, waiting and holding for. Be wise before making that expensive call.
➤A relationship with God is the only guaranteed relationship where He Never places us on HOLD. The concept of being disconnected has nothing to do with Heavens side, only ours
➤Just because they are the phone company, doesn't mean they are going to call you back
➤Just as my response to a frustrating and a wasteful call was to share a post to inspire, your response to frustrating and wasteful chunks of your time, heart and patience should mooooove you to turn rocks into gold
Balancing Your "Relational" Checkbook
I had a conversation with a friend recently who is going through the healing process of a relationship-breakup. I thought it may be helpful to share the end-part of the conversation.
ME: If you had a special gift of $1000 to give to a nephew or niece who was only 8 years old, would you give it to them all at once or see how they first handle just a portion of it?
FRIEND: I would give it to them in a bank account and teach them how to balance a checkbook
ME: Hmmm, interesting. Perhaps you can now see things this way.God has your true partner in a bank account for you. Your past relationship(s) is GOD teaching you how to balance your relational checkbook. These lessons learned will enable you to better treasure and care for the TRUE gift that HE already has for you.
yesterday's disappointment
is today's lesson
for tomorrow's victory
Fuel for Your Journey
There is a journey that I am on
I had early expectations that everyone would remain on this journey that God has placed my family and I on..... and it used to bother me when those who said; “they got my back” or “I’m coming through” or who promised to “always be there”…. didn’t come through, didn’t have our back... didn't stick around.
When taking a road trip a driver will often take special notice of tire pressures and fluid levels, usually stopping by a gas station first to fill-up. By the time they reach their destination, the tires are a bit more worn, a fraction of the brake pads are likely to have gone, and much of the fuel that they started with is no longer there
Do you realize that in your life you are going to have some [Gas-Like] people, [Gas-Like] relationships… who will never stick around as long as you would like?
There are a lot of folks who’s only role that they are supposed to play is to be [fuel] for your journey. Once they have done their job, they disappear in to the atmosphere at a mile marker in your rear-view. Now don’t get too upset when they are gone. They have done their job, they have propelled you to where you are. Even the most toxic relationships; if placed in the fuel-tank and not in your water bottle can be instrumental and helpful.
Now please be polite and say "Thank You Mr./Ms. ______"... and keep your eyes on the road ahead and look out for that road sign that says:
[Gas station Next Exit]
Keep on Trucking!!!
#fuelforyourjourney #NotMadJustThankful
In the span of just 5 minutes I experience 3-Rs
- Robbed by a Robot
- Restored by a Stranger
- Recovered that which I didn't even know I lost
I walk into a CHASE Bank and as usual there is a line for one of the three ATMs, however this time the line was pretty short and moving fairly quickly. in what seems to be a blink of an eye it's my turn and I walk up to the machine. I slip my card in, punch in the super-secure pin and press the oh-so-popular-but-unused-button called [Deposit]. After selecting CASH as the deposit method, I waited a few moments and the slot opened. I had already counted out four twenty dollar bills from my wallet and had them neatly grasped in my right hand. I gently fed the robot which hummed with glee, but it was what happened next that was extremely startling. The slot closes and as I am waiting for it to give me a confirmation, the screen goes blank and a message pops up that says this ATM is out-of-service. I waited, then waited, hmmmm. I check my balance from my mobile device and notice that it wasn't there. With a lot of shock on my face I realize. .. I WAS JUST ROBBED!!!
Waiting any longer seemed hopeless so I went inside the branch and calmly explained my dilemma to a pleasant customer service rep. She asked some details, including my ID, and about 3 minutes in to our dialogue a middle-aged stranger walks in with (4) $20 bills in his hand and asks "Sir, is this yours?" . I am somewhat in shock and speechless at this moment as I am trying to figure out: how, why, who.... " He offers me the cash and I find myself just saying thanks, over and over again. I turn back to the banking agent and we both give each other the raised eyebrow look while silently mouthing the word "wow". I'm relieved at this moment yet just as I am about to head to the teller a thought came to me and I turn back around. "Excuse me Jessica, would you mind checking my account and waiving a fee that I was assessed recently because of a transfer I forgot to make?" She asked for my ID again and hey eyes scanned over the monitor. Even before she opened her mouth her face already gave away the response of "I'm sorry, because....we are unable to....,not allowed....don't have the ability..." I thought to myself "at least i tried" and was willing to accept the injustice justice called [Bank Fees], yet out of no where a colleague comes alongside and asks her "what does he need". She softly shares some information and then the wink comes. Now this wink I know, this isn't the wink of "I'm into you" when someone wants to get your digits, Not at all!! This is the same wink that I have gotten on many an occasion. On the days that I am faced with personal failure, crisis disappointment and/or distress... and as I lift my heavy eyes to the skies, the heavens just reply with a wink. A wink that means: "it is ok" or "you are forgiven". A wink that means "I GOT YOU..."
As this banker peers at his screen, he highlights a line, clicks the mouse and types in some mysterious password. Then he does it again.... and again. "Mr. Williams, I want to let you know I took care of what you asked for, In fact I looked back even further and noticed a fee from last year, ...i took care of that too.
At this point my mouth is open, apparently "shock" seems to be a recurring theme this morning.
God just Wow'd me!!!!!
Ponder this....
You will be confronted with a world system that will TAKE and ROB from you... but just know this my friend....God can restore not just what you lost, not just what was stolen, but even that which you neither deserve, remember or asked for.
WINK..... [Click, click, click, click, click.] There He goes again, he just checked your account and typed in some characters: [G] [R] [A] [C] [E]
#HWChronicles #YesThisHappened
Check the Exp Date
Feeling famished, Josh goes to the cupboard to see what he can whip up. He grabs an item which apparently has been there for a while and was about to perform culinary magic but thought to himself, "let me check the Exp date".... It read as follows [Please use before April 2014].
Now Josh is kinda like me. We have pretty strong stomachs, so that is one reason why he likely paused. Yet his initial hesitance was more than just a display of his intrinsic daring-character, it was his reflective nature that took the steering wheel. He thought about how long he waited in line at the grocery store and how he got it at such a great price. He thought about the checkout girl he flirted with at the register, who is now his girlfriend and the $20 he found as he got in to his car. There are so many pleasant memories that seem to surround this item so how could he just toss it....discard it. So Sentimental Josh went ahead and trusted his memories. He opened the packaging and prepared a meal that enthralled his nostrils and excited the palette. He even went ahead and said grace asking God to bless what he had prepared. After gobbling down every morsel and reclining in his chair there was a look of contentment across his face.... Yet this moment was short-lived as suddenly he had a twisting feeling inside his belly that became so painful that he had to be rushed to the emergency room. The medical staff eventually had to pump his stomach and do an emergency surgery.... Obviously for Josh this created a whole "new" memory.
Is it possible that you too are asking God to bless; a situation, memory, relationship or a misplaced-dream...that He has already stamped as [Expired]
#food4thought or even more apropos #food4trash
Give me that Full-Price Love
Life here on this planet constantly requires us to sell/market ourselves.
Whether to the Mirror that we glance at, the Interviewer who can gives us a job/The Customer who has the power to give a tip or not/The Boss who can promote or demote you/The Teacher who can pour in to you/and often own friends and family and others. We put ourselves on display, yet some days we are like the products on display just waiting for someone to notice US, to take US of our shelves. For someone to like US enough, to invest in US. Waiting for someone to affirm US. But what happens when we don't get it? We feel like that product that is then delegated to the back off the store or the basement or discounted at 75% off.
<Pause...Deep Breath #ahhhmoment>
I am so eternally grateful that I don't have to market myself to God. In fact, he has already paid for me, even before I was made. I didn't even have to go on display before being delicately placed in HIS shopping cart. He paid the FULL price, no discount, no layaway, no bartering.......
Between you and me, I got to say that I like what FULL-PRICE-Love feels like. You see this relationship with the FATHER sets an example where we should NOT settle for Love purchased at a discount in the key relationships in our own lives.
Some time ago my kids and I had decided to do a jigsaw puzzle. Now growing up as a kid, puzzles in my household was something we always loved and did as a family. We used to get these 1000+ piece puzzles and over the course of days/sometimes weeks we would keep coming back and one piece at a time we would turn chaos into a masterpiece.
So the kids and I take out all the pieces, flip them over and I'm coaching them to start with working on the edges. Before we got too far, the youngest comes over and decides to wreak havoc on our project. Understandably so, we all are now a tad bit frustrated but we decide to start to reassemble the puzzle again. "Some things wrong" ...there appear to be some key pieces missing. We forge ahead, knowingly trying to fit pieces that we already know won't work, in gaps that we know won't really fit. For a little while we move on to working on other parts but after a while we simply give up and stop. You see we allowed the mishap, discouragement and the "it doesn't look right right-now" to stop us from finishing.
Isn't our life just like this? We start out with such promise and with much glee yet LIFE happens. We encounter moments where suddenly without notice things just fall apart and we have to start over. We arrive at other moments where what we expect just isnt, and there is this noticeable feeling that something is missing and no matter how else we try to fill it, we know its just not quite right.
Think on these few things.
#1 Some people are in your life for the very purpose of frustrating you. Yet these moments should teach you something about yourself
#2 Don't forget to look at the box, it will remind you of the intended finished product which is soooo worth the journey
#3 The mistake that we make is thinking that WE have to complete our own puzzles. The missing pieces are already in the hands of God, and if you let Him, he will complete YOU.
#4 It is perhaps chaotic now, but I dare you to complain to any world-renown masterpiece and he/she will tell you this... "that is how i started too"
Not everyone should have permission to ride shotgun
On the drive in to my office this morning I was reminded of a different type of drive that I took about 16 years ago.
I was with my cousin Michael Grant and the moment that is vivid in my mind happened at the midpoint between Buffalo and NYC. We were chatting about different things and all of a sudden out of a conversation sparked an idea.
The idea that pierced the audible atmosphere was:
"Why don't we start an audio/visual company?"
Yet in the intimidation-space of our mind what also heard was.
"Why don't you...Try and start an audio visual company.... with no capital, no investors, no prior business experience, while working full-time jobs and not having a lot of free time.? yeah.. uh..huh"
Somehow, despite of what the intimidation-space said we both tapped in to the arena called "what if" and responded with a "Why not, Let's Do It!!!
For us, the "idea" that was planted was too thrilling to ignore despite the "real" limitations that were there.
I wonder what would have happened if either of our responses was "Mannn... you crazy, that's impossible". We likely would have aborted an "idea" just because it wasn't convenient.
In order to foster creativity and purpose you are going to have to check who's riding with you on your journey.
- Are they too focused on limitations and are blind to the possibility.
- Can they breathe life in to an "idea" or do they stand poised with a pin in their hand just waiting for the opportunity to make it go [POP]
Not every one should be given the chance to ride shotgun in your life; some folks you gotta usher to the back while others you got to give them the boot.
Reset My Awe
It was a thanksgiving weekend that my family and I decided to spend a few days in NYC. I recall the moment where we getting in to the elevator of the Sheraton Times Square, that one of our kids asked, what floor are we going to? I casually responded with “43” and they casually pressed the # as we started our 400 feet climb. I remember looking over at the kids and I noticed something which then struck me as odd. We were heading not to the first, second or even 10th floor but to [floor 43] and there wasn’t even a hint of “marvel” on their faces. I started to use that oh so familiar prefix that usually every parents use…. “When I was your age…… “ :)
I wondered why there wasn’t any sense of “Awe” in their reality and after dismissing the notion that we must be spoiling them, in my head I answered my own question. The reason why there was “no Awe” is because the concept of a 40+ height building was normal to them. Their ongoing exposure to this “common-for-them” reality numbed their appreciation, whereas other non-city kids would have had their eyes wide-open with amazement.
If you took a moment to read Psalm 8 you would find that the writings transparently convey the thoughts of a person who obviously “amazed” by God. Awed by His majesty, Awed by His love, Awed by His Creativity…..
So here is a little bit of truth…. I believe we so often miss the majestic things in life because we have considered them “normal” or “regular". It has become so normal to see sunsets that we don’t marvel at them anymore. It is normal to wake up next to someone who loves you so we may not appreciate that blessing. It seems normal for God to fill hearts, homes and churches that His presence is taken for granted. I believe we need God to ReSet our [AWE]
[Say This Prayer]
Oh Lord, oh Lord, how majestic is your very name. How incredible your grace is towards me. I realize that at times I take so many things in life for granted. Because of your eternal faithfulness to me I sometimes fail to realize the magnificence of your splendor, the expanse of your creativity and the generosity of your love. Dear Lord, I ask that you ReSet my AWE. Help me to truly appreciate the little miracles, the small blessings and not just marvel at the ones that are accompanied by fireworks. Let me marvel at your goodness and celebrate your name… AMEN